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Thursday, December 01, 2005
Of motherly love and predatory instinct
The calmest day.
An azure blue sky.
The gentlest of breeze.
Amid the greenest pasture,
The chattering of beasts,
An habitat teeming with life.

Camouflaged in the obscure bushes,
A dusky bulk.
Impermeable to the rays of the sun.
Headmost to him,
A herd of fleecing sheep,
Under the watchful her,
Feeding on the greenery,
Unaware of his presence.
He bides his time.

Swiftly he pounces,
The herd taken abruptly aback
and scatter.
But on the corner of his eye,
Lies an unsuspecting baby sheep,
An easy prey,
he thought.

He stretched his paws,
For a second its life will be sealed.
Weep for him not,
For survival belongs not to the weaklings.

Alas, she leapt before him,
Cuddling it beneath her.
A blanket of love,
Shielding it from the all threats of Nature.

But who dares defy the King of Beast?
Its claws sharper than the edge of a sword.
Its teeth deadlier than that of an arrowhead.
For when he made his move,
Raining pierces deep into her flesh,
Sinking his teeth into her organs,
And devouring it whole,
She stays helpless.
Endure in silence.
Pain beyond description,
Agony beyond words,
Her physical self tormented,
And departed in sheer anguish.

But she would not flinch,
Not budge,

When he left,
Blood continued to spurt through her artery.
And spill over the unscathed child.
It dyed the grass red,
Moistened the soft winds,
But the pastures remain as green.
The breeze as gentle.

Despite the old adage:
Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori.

Saw this in the Discovery Channel. Too shocked to write nothing.

The Latin proverb means this:
Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to love.

The phrase is lifted out of context. I know Mdm Chee who taught me this piece of wisdom will kill me. But heck it.

-Originally posted by poh wei. Reposted by weikiat.

posted by Wicked at 10:57 AM | 0 comments

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