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Our Poems & Quotes

Thursday, December 01, 2005
a poem
My first attempt at english poetry. I know it sounds sucky but that's all i have to say.

The Escapist

Bedtime, at half past three.
I stood forlorn, a cold dark night.
Lonely, Blinded and Freezing.
With all my faith, I prayed for light.
Yet when dawn cracks, the night still lives.

"See you tommorow," they would say.
And one by one they fall asleep.
Until I am left awake.
Lonely, I wait patiently.
Yet tommorow never comes.

Darkness threathened to engulf my soul.
Watery waves wanted to wipe me out.
I cried for help but nobody would hear.
Still screaming.
Lest i' m trapped in this pantomime.

I'm in pain, therefore i exist.
Or so i thought.
Till a tempest chilled my nerves and made me numb.
Indifference was all i'm left with.
Longed for the days when i writhed in agony.

When you told me you're a wanderer,
I bade my farewell relunctantly.
The moment you left the world came crumbling.
You made me realise who i am.

-poh wei

posted by Wicked at 10:59 AM | 0 comments

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