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Our Poems & Quotes

Thursday, December 01, 2005
Walking in the dark shadows of the night
In the dark shadows of the light,
I stood alone.
My head feels too tight,
and my skull feels like a tome.

In the faded silence of the hall,
bassoon melodies floated,
silenly to me it calls,
my fiery passion it bloats.

The space where she stood,
the place where she sat,
to me its like food,
making my love for her fat.

In the bitter fragance of the spicy love,
I think of her, needs her.
But only Jove
can pull us together.

Silently i wept,
at the long faded light,
the melodious music,
whats left is me,

Walking in the dark shadows of the light.


posted by Wicked at 11:19 AM | 0 comments

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