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Our Poems & Quotes

Thursday, December 22, 2005
Little by little, the pressure builds up,
with a tick and a tock, the timer ticks,
when time is up,
with an explosion the genius splatter and becomes an ick.

posted by Wicked at 3:21 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, December 18, 2005
The more you understand, the more you discover there is to understand.


posted by Wicked at 12:27 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, December 01, 2005
Funny and senseless
There is a hairy hand,
the hand attached to an arm,
it can cause lots of harm.

At the top intersection,
we see dark bushes,
there the barber insitution,
can't even turn it into ashes.

The bright holy circle on the head
reflects light in any and all directions,
thus he wears a hat,
to hide his ugly onion.

If he wears a wig,
and the wind blows,
he hit teasers with a twig,
and get the hair from below.


posted by Wicked at 11:20 AM | 0 comments

I fought hard
In the cold cold silence of the morning,
the sarced sun in its sarced sleep.
Silent footsteps follows steady tapping,
I fought hard to fight back a weep.

Flashes of colours, brain pictures,
of the shadow of that lone girl.
Her bassoon singing the beauty of overture,
around her my arms wish to twirl.

When two bodies embraced,
the warmth wakes the sun,
with heartbeats in a race,
drumming louder than the thump of a gun.

Darkness fades into brightness,
cold resigned for the fire of passion.
Love, mysterious as Loch Ness,
kindled with the strenght of determination.

In the cold cold silence of the morning,
the sarced sun in its sarced sleep.
Silent footsteps follows steady tapping,
I fought hard to fight back a weep.


posted by Wicked at 11:20 AM | 0 comments

Walking in the dark shadows of the night
In the dark shadows of the light,
I stood alone.
My head feels too tight,
and my skull feels like a tome.

In the faded silence of the hall,
bassoon melodies floated,
silenly to me it calls,
my fiery passion it bloats.

The space where she stood,
the place where she sat,
to me its like food,
making my love for her fat.

In the bitter fragance of the spicy love,
I think of her, needs her.
But only Jove
can pull us together.

Silently i wept,
at the long faded light,
the melodious music,
whats left is me,

Walking in the dark shadows of the light.


posted by Wicked at 11:19 AM | 0 comments

The broken bird
On gravel pavement,
a shape of black.
Full of excitement,
in our people pack.

There it lies,
breathing heavily,
infront of our eyes,
but not at all lively.

When I hold it in my hands,
It blinked at me in innocence.
Its small little tear glands,
betrayed its confidence.

It flew,
low and quick,
disappeared as fast as dew,
in a clock tick.

As I walked on,
its innocence filled me with guilt,
for life has made me wanton,
and filled my brains with filth.


posted by Wicked at 11:10 AM | 0 comments

My First Haiku
or those who do not know what are haiku, here is a brief intro:
Haiku-poems consist of respectively 5, 7 and 5 syllables in three units. In japanese, this convention is a must, but in english, which has variation in the length of syllables, this can sometimes be difficult.

My First Haiku, entitled "Fiery Fingers"

Fingers interweaved,
Feeling heat of her passion,
Love now fills my heart.

posted by Wicked at 11:09 AM | 0 comments

When fate coincides,
of two souls outside,
life turned upside,
but future undecided.

The harsh reality of choice,
gives you a voice,
but in a trice,
you have to roll the dice.

Shall the drifters drift,
their feelings they grift?
Or shall they be thrift,
on their passion's rift?


posted by Wicked at 11:09 AM | 0 comments

The Lovers' Throne
In the lovers' throne,
the two difters drone,
silence and unseeing,
gobbled by gloom.

When the motion picture moves,
what that used to be aloof,
now shares a single room,
as light-years of differences disappears.

As brightness came into being,
and motion picture stalls,
they left the lovers' throne,
but their hearts never leave.

posted by Wicked at 11:09 AM | 0 comments

The Love Poem
In the boring path of life,
A flat plain bed of everlasting rift,
There comes a hump that bumps and thumps,
and sparks of love sparkles into my eyes.

The virgin emotions of the hearts,
Consummates and give life,
To a whole new bond,
That Jove cannot untie.

The dead knot of love has never been more alive,
As I glance at my darling,
With my hand in her's,
And calls to her quietly, "I love you.."


posted by Wicked at 11:08 AM | 0 comments

The Shape of Love
The bond of two hearts,
the consummation of its capablities,
as rigid as diamond,
yet like ice it melts.

Her shadow displaced her body,
visible but untouchable,
behind the invisible ever visible barriers,
so near yet so far.

The emotional food of passion,
can never satisfy my vacumn stomach,
where emotions show its true shape,
in the shape of love; a heart.


posted by Wicked at 11:07 AM | 0 comments

Of Water and Oil
In the cold twist of cruel faith,
the un-understanding arms of school adminstration,
its hideous fingers digging deep into my heart,
as fate of love lies shattered and torn.

Screeching like a finger scratching on a blackboard,
it draws like a chalk,
producing thick impenetrable scrawly line,
that forms an evil border.

Much like the border between oil and water,
so fine, yet so powerful,
efficent in a cruel sort of way,
unwanted yet ever present.

For I'm water, and she's oil,
my heart's not frozen and her's not slippy,
but because of the unseeing eyes of school adminstration,
she slipped away and in my frozen fixed shocked stare.


posted by Wicked at 11:06 AM | 0 comments

The silence of the night
In the cold cold silence of the night,
hidden in the enclosed privacy of a box,
miles from where he was born,
the two Os consummated.

The soft pink tender fleshs,
that for the first time found each other,
finally carried passion and love,
with eyes closed in longing indulgence.

When meeting ends,
silver threads still hung,
determined to keep the two together,
for as long as they sky hangs above them.


posted by Wicked at 11:04 AM | 0 comments

Ignoring the ignorance
when people ignore,
you become the ignored,
but you don't ignore,
so you feel annoyed.

when people ignore,
and you ignore their ignorance,
you won't be ignored,
and won't feel annoyed.

if you look beyong the ignorance,
and not ignore those not ignoring,
you will find a soul that won't ignore,
and will bring you warmth and love.

Let there be light...

Let me be the light,
be the lighthouse in the midst,
of ignorance waves, unhelpful wind,
and guide you on your way,
to the shore, that is filled with joy.

Do not despair,
your heart i'll repair,
when hostility comes,
and destroy all the fun,
big strong light,
will wrap around you,
hold you tight,
give you warmth,
to escape from the cold unfeeling storm,
and pull you gently and sercurely,
towards the shore,
where the real fun are,
where happiness wanders,
and find home in our hearts.

posted by Wicked at 11:02 AM | 0 comments

a poem
My first attempt at english poetry. I know it sounds sucky but that's all i have to say.

The Escapist

Bedtime, at half past three.
I stood forlorn, a cold dark night.
Lonely, Blinded and Freezing.
With all my faith, I prayed for light.
Yet when dawn cracks, the night still lives.

"See you tommorow," they would say.
And one by one they fall asleep.
Until I am left awake.
Lonely, I wait patiently.
Yet tommorow never comes.

Darkness threathened to engulf my soul.
Watery waves wanted to wipe me out.
I cried for help but nobody would hear.
Still screaming.
Lest i' m trapped in this pantomime.

I'm in pain, therefore i exist.
Or so i thought.
Till a tempest chilled my nerves and made me numb.
Indifference was all i'm left with.
Longed for the days when i writhed in agony.

When you told me you're a wanderer,
I bade my farewell relunctantly.
The moment you left the world came crumbling.
You made me realise who i am.

-poh wei

posted by Wicked at 10:59 AM | 0 comments

As you walk on in life,
in seconds of desperation,
blinded by dark shadows,
you break into a run.

Running Running Running,
memories of memories flashes by,
so fast its gone in a flash,
not thinking where you are running to.

Running Running Running,
away from the darkness,
that shadows your soul.
You emerge into light.

Standing still,
you glance down the hill,
yet you can't see it still,
as brightness blinds your eyes.

where ever you go, there you are.
Running Running Running,
alway from shadowy darkness,
to be blind by brightness.

Drenched in sweat,
dripping off you,
like the remnants of you soul falling alway,
returning to the dampness of the ground.

In blinded brightness you see the light:
You can't escape blindness blinded.
Its time to open your eyes,
and see where you are running to.

(Now you run,
aware of what lies ahead,
with pride, fame, success in your mind,
no matter where you go, there you are.)

You are what you are.


posted by Wicked at 10:59 AM | 0 comments

Of motherly love and predatory instinct
The calmest day.
An azure blue sky.
The gentlest of breeze.
Amid the greenest pasture,
The chattering of beasts,
An habitat teeming with life.

Camouflaged in the obscure bushes,
A dusky bulk.
Impermeable to the rays of the sun.
Headmost to him,
A herd of fleecing sheep,
Under the watchful her,
Feeding on the greenery,
Unaware of his presence.
He bides his time.

Swiftly he pounces,
The herd taken abruptly aback
and scatter.
But on the corner of his eye,
Lies an unsuspecting baby sheep,
An easy prey,
he thought.

He stretched his paws,
For a second its life will be sealed.
Weep for him not,
For survival belongs not to the weaklings.

Alas, she leapt before him,
Cuddling it beneath her.
A blanket of love,
Shielding it from the all threats of Nature.

But who dares defy the King of Beast?
Its claws sharper than the edge of a sword.
Its teeth deadlier than that of an arrowhead.
For when he made his move,
Raining pierces deep into her flesh,
Sinking his teeth into her organs,
And devouring it whole,
She stays helpless.
Endure in silence.
Pain beyond description,
Agony beyond words,
Her physical self tormented,
And departed in sheer anguish.

But she would not flinch,
Not budge,

When he left,
Blood continued to spurt through her artery.
And spill over the unscathed child.
It dyed the grass red,
Moistened the soft winds,
But the pastures remain as green.
The breeze as gentle.

Despite the old adage:
Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori.

Saw this in the Discovery Channel. Too shocked to write nothing.

The Latin proverb means this:
Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to love.

The phrase is lifted out of context. I know Mdm Chee who taught me this piece of wisdom will kill me. But heck it.

-Originally posted by poh wei. Reposted by weikiat.

posted by Wicked at 10:57 AM | 0 comments

To fight to end a fight,
is to agree to notion of fighting.

Since you agree to fighting,
why fight to stop it?


Thought of while reading Robots and Empire by Issac Asimov

posted by Wicked at 7:45 AM | 0 comments

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